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User Control 2010

User Control 2010

User Control can prevent specified applications from starting and block access to blacklisted websites. It can also prevent access to operating system components. This keeps users from altering system stettings and changing the appearance of the desktop.

User management:- Determine at a glance what limits have been set for any user or user group. It’s easy: just click the last column to see which users belong to a given group.

Improved software filter:- For any application, establish whether it is always available, never available, or restricted by time. User Control shows both the application name and the name of the executable file. An application can be made available only at specified times.

Internet Safety:- Use filter categories, such as ”sex” or ”chat” to determine the types of web content you would like to allow or prohibit. You can also prevent downloading of .exe and .zip files.
Say yes to the web, but…: Define which web pages (URLs) or keywords you dont want to see on your computer. Users who surf to one of these pages will see a warning message displayed. You can also import or export lists of restrictions.

Websites:- You could create a list of the URL’s that your users need to do their work. Once this is done, any other pages can be completely blocked. You can also make certain sites available only during restricted times (such as lunchtime).

System Protection for Internet Explorer:- In addition to the general Internet settings, there are some special restrictions that can be set especially for Microsoft ™ Internet Explorer. You can use these to prevent downloading and block access to settings and configurations.

Network system protection:- Use this page to limit access to the principal settings for your network environment. For example, you can establish which parts of the network are visible for a particular user and which ones are not.

Log files:- Use this page to see what happened while your computer was online, and which user was logged on. The logs show you both a list of started applications and of websites that were visited. The list can be exported into formats such as Excel or text.